Our Pastors & Team
Believers who invest their hearts, time, families, and finances in the building of a local church deserve to have confidence in church leadership. People are looking for leaders who conduct themselves with integrity and respect when making decisions that affect their lives.
Pastor Barb Pruitt
Lead Pastor
Pastor Barb Pruitt became the Lead Pastor of Faith Builders Church in 2018. She went into full time ministry under her parents when she was 20 years old. Her ministry experience has been church planting, youth church planting, children’s ministries, mission trips, traveling and speaking in other countries, women’s ministries, TV ministry, hospital visitations, street witnesses and so much more!
She has written a book called “The Power of Confessing God’s Word and Confession for children. She also co-authored a book called “God Crazy Freedom”.
She has a ministry called Leading Ladies Arizona that gathers women from all over the valley to worship and pray together and to develop life giving relationships.
Founders & Overseers
Bishop Jerry Pruitt
Bishop & Pastor Gloria are the founders of Faith Builders Church that started in 1989 in Beloit, WI. See our History page for the journey. They are now overseers of Faith Builders Church in Phoenix, AZ that they launched in 2002. He is the author of 3 books, has a podcast called “Uncover” on Youtube and continues to minister at Faith Builders Church.
Pastor Gloria Pruitt
Pastor Gloria Pruitt is leaving an incredible mark on people everywhere she goes. She is a gifted inspirational speaker. Her contributions can be felt beyond the church into areas such as publishing, health, education, fashion and social awareness. Pastor Gloria enlightens, and empowers thousands around the world.
Associate Pastors - Matt & Ginger McLamb
Matt & Ginger have been with Faith Builders since 2005. They have been the directors, teachers and visionaries of our children's minsitry Faith Kidz.
Matt is the director for Security and Men of Faith Ministry.
Youth & Young Adult Directors: Franco & Lidia
Franco & Lidia have a son, Alessandro is 12. They have been married for 16 years.
Franco is a part of our Worship leading worship on keys and guitar.
Worship Director- Kwinn Rhodes
Kwinn has a beautiful daughter Samyah who is a part of our worship team and leads worship along side her mom.
Media Director: Titus & Stephanie Fox
Titus is a family man with 3 adorable little girls and has been married for 10 years to Stephanie who teaches in our Faith Kidz Ministry.
Faith Kidz Director: Patricia Rice
Patricia has been with Faith Builders since 2013. She has 2 children and her daughter Kayla have been serving in some capacity over the years. She has a love for the children that shows in all she does. She desire for them to walk in an understanding of who God is personally in their lives.
Ushers & Greeters Directors: Art & Crystal Delco
Art & Crystal have been married for 18 years. You will find them serving anywhere they are needed. They have a heart for God’s house.
Elders - Mike & Denise Coulson
Mike & Denise have been with Faith Builders since 1995. They have 3 children and currently 3 grandbabies. They are directors of the Prayer Teams and altar ministry.
Elders - Jeff & Lee McLamb
Jeff and Lee McLamb are two treasured members of our church, gentle and faithful servants. Married since 1991, they have 2 children, one grandson, and two granddaughters. They have been attending Faith Builders since 2005, graduated through the School of Ministry in 2009, and were ordained as Elders in March of 2013. They serve our church as directors over the Usher and Greeter Ministry. In their professional lives, they run an automotive tire and repair facility.
Elder - Karen Moinet
Karen has been a part of Faith Builders Church since 2008 and she is the director of our Design and Vision team for all our events.
Elders - Mike & Debbie Fox
Mike & Debbie have been missionaries for almost 40 years, traveling the world and ministering the Good News to the nations. They have evangelized through churches, conferences, group bible studies, open air meetings, feeding programs, schools, and street ministry. They’ve provided humanitarian aid to hurting people, built churches, homes, schools, rehabilitation centers, and whatever else is needed wherever God directs them to go.