Faith Builders Assisted Learning Center
“Providing parents with structured support for their children through professional academic aid, positively regulated peer interaction, in a safe learning environment.”
Assited Learning Center Hours & location:
- August 10th- October 30th
- Monday-Wednesday-Friday
- 7:30am-3:30pm
- 3rd-8th grade
- 949 E. Bell Rd. Phx, AZ 85022
What To Expect:
- 10 students per director/supervisor
- Academic support
- Safe, social interaction games
- Periodic movement breaks
- Lunch time
-Upon arrival, our team will visually assess all students before entry.
"Common COVID-19 symptoms among children include fever, headache, sore throat, cough, fatigue, nausea/vomiting, and diarrhea. However,many children and adults infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 are asymptomatic (meaning they have no signs or symptoms or illness."
As stated above, we can't guarantee the complete absence of the virus within our facility, but our team will honor our families by doing our due diligence to avoid obvious signs.
-Our team is dedicated to ensure a safe learning environment by thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces (e.g., door handles, sink handles, drinking fountains) on the campus at least daily or between use as much as possible.
Mitchell Roush
$50/day or $135/three days (10% discount)*
Payments can be made by check or online
*For all FBC members, contact for family discount.